The manhunters themselves are very well designed, but there are only 3 or 4 of them total. In their basic form, the graphics are passable. The game also offers 3DTV support, butvery few have shelled out for a soon to be dated technology in 3DTV, so we have to stick with HD graphics instead. The red and blue 3D glasses option just doesn't work properly, which is sad.

Right from the get-go, you start to wonder "why is this happening", and the story leads you to continue that train of thought throughout, to a satisfying, conclusion. Typically in a game such as this, it's just the "we're going to get you" storyline, then "insert movie hero and villain here". You start out as rookie Hal Jordan on the GL Corps home world of Oa, and you are suddenly attacked by the manhunters. Sadly, DC is rebooting it's universe this fall, so it won't fit after that, but who's counting. Not only does it work, but it can neatly seat itself within the canon of DC comics as well. But there is an overlying story to the whole premise that works well from beginning to end. Yes, you have your generic beatdown villains, the manhunters, in their various forms. This is a very uncommon thing when it comes to tie-in games. The story itself in the game is something to behold: it's good. You get a giant mallot (which is comical), you get a Giant Mech Warrior, a rope with a blade wheel, a missle launcher, etc. Your "contructs", as they are called, are your interesting ways of beating down baddies. As you progress with beating badguys up, you will gain experience, thus gaining in capabilities with the ring. You are a rookie in the Green Lantern Corps, so your skill with the ring will be less that impressive. As Green Lantern, you run around, beating up the original galazy policemen gone bad, the Manhunters. If you liked Thor: God of Thunder, chanced are you will like anything, hence you will like this game.

If you liked Batman Begins, you will like this game. If you like Spider-man: Maximum Carnage, you will like GL. The game plays out like many movie/book/comic book tie ins that you've tried before. (good) Check out my blog: for a more fleshed out review, with visuals. It's a movie tie in game (bad) it was seemingly rushed out (bad) but has real Hollywood power behind it in Ryan Reynolds (good) and from preview shots of the game, it looked like it was put together a little better than most movie tie ins. It's a movie tie in Given that not a single major outlet has reviewed this game yet, it gave me pause as to whether or not I should play it. Given that not a single major outlet has reviewed this game yet, it gave me pause as to whether or not I should play it.